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Sudanese clergyman appear in court accused of capital crimes

Two Christian pastors and another man appeared in a Sudanese court on Sunday accused of at least seven crimes including waging war against the state and espionage, both of which carry the death penalty, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide. The UK-based religious freedom advocacy reported that Rev Hassan Abduraheem, a senior minister and vice moderator of the […]

Christian hospital ship ‘Africa Mercy’ docks in Benin port for 10 month stay


NEW ARRIVAL: Top – Several members of the advance team of Mercy Ships welcoming the Africa Mercy to the port of Cotonou, Benin; Bottom – Benin native Emmanuel Essah, biomedical technician, hands over the Benin flag to Madame Claudine Gbenagnon Talon, first lady of the Republic of Benin, on behalf of Mercy Ships. PICTURES: © […]

The Cross and the Switchblade

The Cross and the Switchblade

For August to September, 2016, we’re reading the classic Christian text, The Cross and the Switchblade (written by the late David Wilkerson with John and Elizabeth Sherill, first published 1962). To buy the book, follow this link – The Cross and the Switchblade.