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‘Prayer halls’ spread in China’s international airports

Fides A ‘prayer hall’, described as a “spiritual oasis”, opened recently in the busiest international airport in Shenzhen, a free trade area in the south of mainland China – the latest of several such facilities established in the country’s international airports. Measuring about 30 square metres in size, the simply decorated chapel contains benches and copies of […]

Hungary’s PM meets Pope Francis after pledging to tackle Christian persecution

BosNewsLife Officials say Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has met Pope Francis after pledging that his nation wants to tackle the persecution of Christians at a time when Europe faces a massive refugee crisis. The Hungarian government’s international press office confirmed to BosNewsLife and Vatican Radio that Orbán met the Pope late last month on […]

What would it take?

Divine Light

What would it take for the modern mind to be open to the Divine? You would need a short series of historical events that punctuated the normal laws of nature and which demonstrated divine intervention. These divine interventions would have to include at least one event that completely contradicted one of the irreversible laws of […]