“Sometimes we have to abandon the patients”: Treating Ebola in Congo’s warzone

Dakar, Senegal Thomson Reuters Foundation Marie-Claire Kolie knew Ebola only as a mysterious disease from medical school textbooks when it hit her home country of Guinea in 2014. Today the 40-year-old mother of three is part of a team of doctors fighting a major outbreak of the disease in Democratic Republic of Congo, where she […]

MARCUS CHEONG watches ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’…
Brazil to issue ‘dirty list’ of employers using slave labour based on court findings

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilThomson Reuters Foundation Brazil will create a new “dirty list” of employers that engaged in modern slavery, drawn from a roster of companies and people found guilty in labour courts of the practice, officials said on Tuesday. The move by the Labour Prosecutor’s Office is aimed at shedding more light on slave […]
Soundbite – The TCM Update: Hillsong UNITED releases deluxe version of ‘People’…

Hillsong UNITED have just released a deluxe version of ‘People’… Listen to this week’s TCM Update…
Nigerian sex traffickers fleeing hotspot for new havens, activists warn
Dakar, SenegalThomson Reuters Foundation Sex traffickers in Nigeria are moving out of Edo state to avoid detection as foreign donors pour money into anti-trafficking programmes in the traditional hotspot, anti-slavery experts said, calling for a national approach. Edo state in southern Nigeria has long been the country’s hub for women and girls trafficked for sex […]
“Broken dreams” – Bangladesh’s returning migrants struggle at home

Dhaka, Bangladesh Thomson Reuters Foundation Like many poor Bangladeshis, Komol Shohlagar thought moving overseas for work would change his life. It did – but not in the way he hoped. Shohlagar, 33, travelled to Libya with people smugglers in the hope of reaching Europe, but when he got there, the smugglers held him captive to […]

EMILY MCFARLAN MILLER, of Religion News Service, speaks to Timothy McMahan King about his new book – and the personal experience behind it…
US sanctuary churches say fines against immigrants meant to sow fear

RNS About a dozen people taking refuge in sanctuary churches across the US received a letter from Immigration and Customs Enforcement earlier this week, informing them they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in civil penalties for disobeying orders to leave the country. Among those was Rosa del Carmen Ortez Cruz, a 38-year-old mother of […]
Essay: Rise of the ‘nothing in particulars’ may be sign of a disjointed, disaffected and lonely future

In an article first published on Religion News Service, RYAN BURGE, co-founder of Religion in Public, looks at the ramifications of the rise in people in the US who claim no religious identity…
Sight-Seeing: Patriotism, nationalism and the American dream

As his nation marks Independence Day, US commentator THOMAS REESE appeals for a new approach to the idea of patriotism in the US…