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At the Vatican, Pope Francis and US VP discuss pathways for world peace

Mike Pence and Pope Francis

Vatican City RNS Pope Francis met with US Vice President Mike Pence for an hour-long conversation at the Vatican on Friday, as President Donald Trump faces an impeachment trial before the US Senate. The Vatican and the US Embassy to the Holy See are not expected to release a statement about the conversation between Pence […]

China heads into Lunar New Year on shutdown as virus spreads to Europe

Coronavirus China queue

Beijing, China Reuters A new coronavirus that has killed 26 people in China was confirmed in Europe for the first time on Friday as it spreads despite Chinese attempts to quarantine the city at the heart of the outbreak. China closed Shanghai Disneyland and part of the Great Wall and suspended public transportation in 10 […]

Dozens of trafficking victims rescued in Interpol crackdown in the Balkans

London, UKThomson Reuters Foundation At least 89 victims of human trafficking were rescued and dozens of suspected traffickers arrested in a crackdown on organised crime groups in the Balkans, Interpol said this week. Operation Theseus saw 3,000 officers from eight nations including Albania, Moldova and Turkey dispatched to crime hotspots including border checkpoints, train and […]

United Methodist clergywomen ask church to reopen sexual misconduct case against elder

Donald Bud Heckman

RNS More than five dozen young United Methodist clergywomen are circulating an open letter claiming there was no justice in the denomination’s “just resolution” process for the four women who accused Rev Donald “Bud” Heckman of sexual misconduct. And while that resolution ended the judicial process against Heckman, it could be reopened, according to the letter by […]

Home sweet home? Not for 200,000 plus stateless in US

New York City, USThomson Reuters Foundation More than 200,000 people in the United States may be stateless, isolated and unable to travel, bank, see a doctor or get a job, according to groundbreaking research released on Thursday. There are an estimated 10 to 15 million people globally who are not recognised as citizens of any […]

World Council of Churches condemn murder of Nigerian Brethren leader Lawan Andimi

The World Council of Churches has condemned the murder of Nigerian Brethren leader Lawan Andimi, executed by Islamist terror group Boko Haram earlier this week. Rev Andimi, an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN) and chair of Christian Association of Nigeria for the Michika district in the nation’s north-east Adamawa state, […]

Human rights advocates welcome ‘landmark’ UN ruling to prevent Rohingya genocide

ICJ Rohingya

RNS The United Nations’ top court has ordered the government of Myanmar to take urgent measures to prevent genocide against the Rohingya, a Muslim minority in the majority-Buddhist country. The ruling comes more than two years after Myanmar’s military led a brutal crackdown against the Rohingya and forced over 700,000 refugees to flee to neighboring […]