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Myanmar to court-martial more troops over Rohingya crackdown, army says

Rohingya refugees1

Yangon, Myanmar Reuters Myanmar’s army said in a statement on Friday it would hold more court-martials over alleged abuses against Rohingya Muslims, after a government-appointed commission said soldiers committed war crimes against the minority.  The panel concluded, in a report published in January, that members of the security forces, among “multiple actors”, were responsible for […]

Bangladesh’s first female Middle East ambassador hopes to help abused women workers

Bangladesh garment workers

Dhaka, Bangladesh Thomson Reuters Foundation Bangladesh’s first woman ambassador in the Middle East is hoping her appointment will help female migrant workers in the region, with a mission to build a shelter at the embassy in Jordan for women labourers facing abuse or exploitation. Nahida Sobhan, 52, a career foreign service officer who has worked […]

Delta Air Lines, Aldi, HSBC lead way in Stop Slavery Award

Delta Airlines

London, UK Thomson Reuters Foundation US carrier Delta Air Lines and British retail bank HSBC UK were named as major winners of a global anti-slavery award on Thursday after training flight attendants to spot trafficking and giving bank accounts to slavery survivors. Supermarket Aldi UK – the British arm of the German discount store – […]

Top worry for young Africans? Jobs and corruption – but green anxieties grow

Floods in DRC

Johannesburg, South Africa Thomson Reuters Foundation Despite surging climate change threats, from worsening storms to growing water shortages, young Africans see unemployment, corruption and political instability as the most pressing issues facing them, according to a first-of-its-kind survey. But environmental and socioeconomic problems are often inter-related – with corruption and unemployment driving illegal logging, for […]

In depth – Updated: Dispute over Russell Moore spurs pushback among some Southern Baptists

SBC Russell Moore

RNS Jack Graham believes in the Southern Baptist Convention. He’s a former president of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination and once traveled the country drumming up support for the Cooperative Program, the church giving program that funds much of the convention’s missions. Yet, after three years, Graham’s congregation, Prestonwood Baptist Church, which claims 45,000 members, […]