California church holds indoor services despite judge’s ban

Ventura, California AP A California church held indoor worship services Sunday morning despite a judge’s temporary restraining order barring the church from doing so. Pastor Rob McCoy led morning services in defiance of coronavirus health orders at Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Ventura County’s Newbury Park. McCoy had vowed Friday to continue in-person services even though the judge’s […]
Priest, a seminary rector, slain in El Salvador
San Salvador, El SalvadorAP A Roman Catholic priest has been shot to death along a road in El Salvador and church authorities on Saturday called for investigation of the slaying. The church celebrated a Mass on Saturday for Rev Ricardo Antonio Cortez, who was rector at the seminary named for recently canonized Oscar Arnulfo Romero […]
Distribution of parks in US neighbourhoods reveals racial disparities

New York, Thomson Reuters Foundation Parks in primarily non-white neighbourhoods are half the size and five times as crowded as parks in mostly white neighbourhoods, putting communities of colour at risk during the summer heat, research showed on Wednesday. In low-income neighbourhoods, parks are four times smaller and four times more crowded on average than […]
“Code on the water”: Countries court digital nomads amid coronavirus

Milan, Italy Thomson Reuters Foundation Offering sunny beaches, cheap living and low infection rates, countries are competing for a new generation of remote workers in a bid to ride out the pandemic and make up for lost visitors. From Estonia to Barbados, nations have launched visa regimes aimed at wooing “digital nomads” to bolster their […]
California pastor vows to hold indoor worship despite order
Ventura, CaliforniaAP The pastor of a California church has vowed to continue holding indoor worship in defiance of coronavirus health orders after a judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the church from doing so. “I wish it didn’t have to come to this, I really do, but we will be violating the judge’s order. […]
Facebook’s dilemma: How to police claims about unproven COVID-19 vaccines

Reuters’ ELIZABETH CULLIFORD and GABRIELLA BORTER looks at Facebook’s attempts to police posts relating to the coronavirus pandemic…
Fury over Beirut blast fuels protests, clashes with police

Beirut, Lebanon AP Public fury over this week’s massive explosion in Beirut took a new turn Saturday night as protesters stormed government institutions and clashed for hours with security forces, who responded with heavy volleys of tear gas and rubber bullets. One police officer was killed and dozens of people hurt in the confrontations, which […]