NILS VON KALM says Rev Dr Bob Mitchell’s novel is especially relevant for any teenagers starting out on a journey of faith…
The Bonds of Brotherhood: Edwin Fothergill’s Schooldays
Rev Dr Bob Mitchell
Resource Publications, August, 2023
ISBN-13: 978-1666778960
“Perhaps what stood out the most to me was the character development of the two main characters, Edwin and Colin. As they navigate their way through their own friendships, confusion and joys of school life, you as the reader gain a deep sense that you are getting to know them even as they are getting to know each other.”
The Bonds of Brotherhood is a wonderful story of intrigue, suspense, drama, humour and a touch of cheek. Aimed at the teenage market, the story follows the lives of a number of students as they navigate tumultuous teenage angst at the prestigious Dickson Grammar School.
I need to declare upfront that, as I was asked to write an endorsement for this book, this review may be open to charges of bias. I am fortunate however to have known the author for many years and would not provide my endorsement for someone whose character and integrity I did not believe in. What follows therefore are my heartfelt responses to what is an engaging tale.
It is always the sign of a good story when it evokes a myriad of emotions in the reader. This story does just that. And the most powerful emotions are left to the end, when Mitchell brings the story together with elegance and a beauty which tugs at the reader’s heartstrings.
Aimed at the teenage market, the story of Edwin Fothergill and his intriguing band of classmates and friends is told through the eyes of the teenagers themselves. They guide themselves and each other through the highs and lows of a school year as they attempt to come to grips with all the growing pains that older readers will be able to remember (sometimes not so fondly!).
As a writer, it is crucial to gain the reader’s attention from the opening sentence. The opening sentence of this book did just that. I was immediately pulled into the mystery of what the main thread of this story might be and what might happen next. I was eager to keep reading.
As well as gaining the reader’s attention at the start of a story, it is equally important to maintain it as the plot becomes settled. Mitchell does this through fast-paced development of each of the main characters as we begin to see how their lives intertwine with each other.
The development of each character is crucial to the essence of this story. The main characters are not who many readers might think they would be. This provides a depth to not just the characters but to the story that goes deeper than mere descriptions of the events of the year as it plays out.
As I made my way through the travails of this merry band of teenagers, I was taken back to my own feelings as a teenager. Feelings of insecurity, inspiration, confusion, loyalty won and lost, and the eternal searching for identity are all tackled with aplomb by Mitchell as he weaves together the stories of each of the main characters with a masterful touch.
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Perhaps what stood out the most to me was the character development of the two main characters, Edwin and Colin. As they navigate their way through their own friendships, confusion and joys of school life, you as the reader gain a deep sense that you are getting to know them even as they are getting to know each other.
Teenage years are often ones of reflecting on the type of person we want to become. If this story lacks anything, it is more of such reflection. Gaining a birds-eye view of the characters as we get to know them would have added even more to what is already a captivating account of the lives of these teenagers.
As the story develops, the reader will feel it building to a crescendo which is spellbinding in its lack of predictability. It leaves the reader hanging for more. I found myself trying to think like the characters as they came agonisingly closer to unravelling the mystery they encountered at the very beginning.
I would highly recommend this novel for any teenager trying to find their way through the multitude of thoughts, feelings and experiences that being a teenager entails. It is especially relevant for those starting out on a faith journey. It comes across as highly accessible, mature and evoking a sense of goodness that this world needs more of.