Be informed. Be challenged. Be inspired.

Essay: Welcome to 2018!

2018 celebration

Sight editor DAVID ADAMS reflects on 2017 and the upcoming year at Sight…

2018 has arrived and with 2017 now behind us, it’s a good time to take a look back – and a look forward – at what’s happening on Sight.

2017 was a big year for news and at Sight we brought you more stories, features and essays than we ever have before. We are looking to continue to expand the volume of our content in the coming year as well as introduce you to some new ways of presenting our stories, some new columns, and other initiatives including our upcoming Sight Ambassador program (more information on that to come soon).

2018 celebration

As well as entering into some new partnerships with content providers and welcoming some new regular columnists, 2017 also saw us launch the first of our SightTalks with an inspiring night featuring Diane Spicer, CEO of Prison Network, an initiative we intend to continue and grow in the coming year.

2017 also saw us launch our new Sight Daily email service – all our coverage delivered in a timely single email each week day to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening at Sight – to complement our existing (now curated) Sight Weekly service. We also kicked off a new weekly Prayer Update email to give people a simple way of praying into the situations and issues Sight raises each week and continued to hold some of our Sight Christian History Walks in Melbourne and Geelong.

While Sight is already available for use on your mobile, keep an eye out in 2018 for some new apps we’re looking to develop to enhance our offerings for our readers.

It’s sometimes said that Sight – and news media in general – focus too much on bad news. On Sight we don’t report tragedies – whether related to a single incident of terrorism or a broader issue affecting millions – gratuitously. Armed with the insight that comes from having heard and accepted the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, we hope our coverage will spur our readers to prayer, to reach out to someone in need or take some other Gospel-fuelled action as they reflect upon it under God’s guidance.

And, as well as providing a place for Christians to engage with their faith, we at Sight will also aim in the coming year to continue to provide a safe place for those who do not yet know Christ to explore what a life following Jesus is all about.

Thanks, of course, to all our contributors for the countless hours they put in to make Sight what it is – some of them working away behind the scenes with very little upfront credit. Please remember them in your prayers, that they may continue to be inspired to share what it is God is stirring in them or to continue the work that He’s called them to.

Thanks also to all our readers for sharing 2017 with us and also to those who support the work of Sight and its mission to inform, challenge and inspire through various means – whether through prayer, sending a word of encouragement, volunteering time to help at events or financially. We appreciate it very much. And if you’re interested in supporting us further – whether through praying for our work or giving $1 or $10 a month to help us sustain and grow our coverage – we’d love to hear from you.

Additionally, if you run a business or organisation and would like to have a listing on our Sight Directory for as little as $20 a month (there are plenty of additional advertising/partnership opportunities available as well), then please contact us as And, as editor of Sight, I’m also available to speak to churches or church groups about the work of Sight – if you’d like to find our more about that, you can reach me at

We hope you have been informed, challenged and inspired by what you’d read on Sight in 2017 and will be so again this year. I pray you have a safe and healthy 2018 and we look forward to journeying with you through the coming year.



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Sight+ is a new benefits program we’ve launched to reward people who have supported us with annual donations of $26 or more. To find out more about Sight+ and how you can support the work of Sight, head to our Sight+ page.



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