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A Christmas birthday

I’ve got a friend who’s very ambivalent towards Christmas. He’s not sure if he likes it or not.

Christmas Tree ornaments

PICTURE: Michel Stockman/Unsplash.

He’s happens to celebrate his birthday on the 25th December. You can imagine what that is like.

He talks about Christmas morning where those close to him are all smiles, coming out to the Christmas tree, and forget to wish him a happy birthday.

They seem too wrapped up in themselves and their presents to remember his special day. Often the pleasantries and best wishes come as an after thought.

Although he does say that those who do remember he holds in great esteem!

How can one compete against the mighty forces of the season – materialism, Santa, and…complete self interest. I’m sure if you were born on 25th December, you’d know all about it.

Oh, my friend’s name? Jesus.

Paul Clark’s musings can be heard on radio across Australia and at



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