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Faith, not fear

Do you have loved ones whose eternal destiny you worry about? Listen up…

PICTURE: Alex Shute/Unsplash

The Bible isn’t a fan of fear. “Perfect love casts out fear” it says. So, when we witness to loved ones out of fear, it comes from the wrong place.

I understand your feelings, but fear taints our witness. It sets us up against them – “We must save them; badger them into Heaven”. It’s not invitational, respectful, or attracting.

What if our witness came from a place of faith? “Lord, you know my love for these people. Heaven would not be Heaven if they weren’t there. Thank you that you have their salvation in hand.”

Then you let faith define your interactions with them, not fear. Someone you can share your faith journey with, naturally, as an ally not an enemy.

It will make a difference. Faith, not fear.

paul clark

Paul Clark’s musings can be heard on radio across Australia and at


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