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Freedom…or suffering?

You can still buy fireworks in some states of Australia but most have banned them because people were injured by them.

PICTURE: Dovapi/iStockphoto

When mothers cry out to government about the suffering of their children, government listen. The cost is that we don’t have that freedom anymore.

We cry out to God regarding all the suffering in the world. “Why don’t you do something God?” The thing God could do is limit our freedom or access to things that could cause suffering. That’s a lot of things.

We want God to take away our suffering, “but don’t you dare take away our freedom!”

It seems God wants us to have freedom and to learn to live without causing suffering or to quickly alleviate the suffering of others. We’re taking a long time to learn this. If we did, wouldn’t we have brought Heaven to Earth?

paul clark

Paul Clark’s musings can be heard on radio across Australia and at


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