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To be seen

“Mummy, mummy look at me.” From our first breath, we desire to be seen. To be noticed.

PICTURE: Thx4Stock/iStockphoto

This modern world has given us the most tangible tools to do that, to be seen by millions – Reels, Tik Tok, YouTube – with ways to measure and monetise that for instant gratification, a dopamine hit with every like. We’ll do anything for the likes – sell our soul, our flesh, our reputation.

That desire to be seen, can now be met. But can it?  ‘Likes’ are a counterfeit. Temporary and empty. So many influences and tubers move on after a few years.

Here’s the real thing. God sees. God knows. We want to be seen by family, friends, a beloved. That’s good, healthy. But when we realise that God sees. That God is our true beloved. That is enough.

paul clark

Paul Clark’s musings can be heard on radio across Australia and at


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