There are two types of church. The first attracts youth with modern music and cinematic presentations, yet often their theology is simplistic and focused on the amazing future God has for you.
PICTURE: Brandon Griggs/Unsplash
This works for those full of possibilities! But few people’s lives go to plan. When disaster hits – it can leave us reeling. “This is God’s plan for my life!?”
Many fall out of faith at this point, or into the other type of church; not so glitzy, this church has discovered the suffering in Scripture – that God’s plan goes via the cross.
These churches are more cautious, caring, nuanced and gracious. With people wanting to be part of God’s plan for the world, knowing they can get through anything with God.
I wish the first would learn from the second and vice versa. What does your church look like?
Paul Clark’s musings can be heard on radio across Australia and at