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Call for prayer across Australia in seven days lead-up to federal election

Australian prayer leaders have called on Christians to join in seven days of prayer and fasting in the lead-up to the federal election on 2nd July.

PICTURE: abcdz2000/

The organisers of the annual National Day of Prayer and Fasting and the team behind the Canberra Declaration said in a statement they had proposed the seven day period – which runs from 25th June to 1st July – after “extensive” discussion and input from Christian leaders as well as media and prayer leaders.

“Our mission is to amplify prayer for the last seven days before the election taking inspiration from the Australian Prayer Network call for 35 days of prayer for the federal elections (sic).”

The initiative, which is being run under the hashtag, #Ausprays2016, will commence with a ‘sunrise prayer relay’, starting before sunrise on 25th June and moving from east to west across Australia.

The organisers have also released a series of one minute prayer points for Christians to be praying across the period.

The move follows an earlier call by the Australian Prayer Network for five weeks of prayer in the lead-up to the 2nd July poll.





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