Open Book: What Jesus thinks of your beliefs
NILS VON KALM reflects on the New Testament account of Zaccheus…
Be informed. Be challenged. Be inspired.
NILS VON KALM reflects on the New Testament account of Zaccheus…
NILS VON KALM reflects on a famous passage in Philippians in which Paul says he considers “everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord”…
NILS VON KALM looks at a passage in Mark in which Jesus showed compassion to a man with a withered hand…
NILS VON KALM looks at a passage in Mark’s Gospel in which Jesus encounters a man possessed by an “impure spirit”…
US Catholic commentator THOMAS REESE, in an article first published on Religion News Service, says God sending Jonah to Nineveh would be like telling a modern-day rabbi to preach in Iran or Gaza…
NILS VON KALM looks at the parable in Matthew 13…
NILS VON KALM puts forward the arguments for a different approach to the Parable of the Pounds found in Luke 19…
NILS VON KALM says the Gospel account of Jesus’ interaction with a man born blind – often known as “the healing of the man born blind” – is ultimately about how we see Jesus…
NILS VON KALM reflects on the Gospel story of Peter…
NILS VON KALM looks at the Gospel account of Jesus’ meeting with a woman who had been suffering from a flow of blood for 12 years…
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