BRUCE C WEARNE writes of how, in Acts 4, the Bible records that Peter and John were released by the Sanhedrin despite their ongoing boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and how Jesus Christ had changed their lives...
Confronted by Peter’s boldness with John, and preferring to construe them as men who were uneducated and ignorant, they were amazed, and identified them as those who had been with Jesus. Moreover, there was the man that had been healed standing beside them, and there was nothing they could say to contradict them. So when they had sent them outside of the council, they discuss with one another, saying, “What shall we do with these men? It is evident that a significant sign has come about through them – all the inhabitants of Jerusalem know about this and how can it be denied? But so that this does not spread any further among the people, let us issue a warning that they no more speak to any one in this name.” So saying they called them back, requiring them neither to speak nor to teach in Jesus’ name. But Peter and John answered in these words, “Whether it be right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge for yourselves; as for us we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” And after further threatening them, they (had to) let them go, since they could find no way to punish them, because the people (already) knew about it; for from everyone there was praise to God for what had happened. After all, the man on whom this sign of healing had come about was more than 40-years-old. (Acts 4:13-22/transliteration by Bruce C Wearne)
RELEASED: The Bible records that after telling their story and answering the question of the Sanhedrin, Peter and John were freed with a warning which they answered by saying they what they had witnessed compelled them to speak of Jesus and what He had done. PICTURE: Kelihope/
Luke says Peter and John were “bold”. These days they might be called “fanatics” or “fundamentalists”. Those not prepared to compromise in the face of official power are often given such names. On the one hand, the council didn’t want to give them too much attention. On the other, they didn’t want to pass up the opportunity of asserting their authority. After a brief consultation among themselves they concluded that a stern warning would be sufficient to make them toe the line.
Luke tells us Peter and John were treated condescendingly. But they didn’t lose their cool and were ready with a quiet and decisive response. One proverb says “A soft answer turns away wrath” (15:1), and indeed a soft answer is what they gave: “Whether it is right in God’s sight for us to listen to you rather than to God we’ll let you be the judge!”
That put it plainly. Peter and John had their explanation of how the healing had come about recorded. They knew that when they said as much in the temple the day before many in the crowd had come to believe. So they spoke to the council in exactly the same terms.
They were confident God’s Spirit would confirm what they had said – in His way, in His time. So why get hot under the collar about any Sanhedrin snobbishness? The council would have to answer to Heaven. God Himself knew what was going on! And so they could conclude: “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”
Quietly, decisively, Peter and John stay the course. Anything else and those on the council would realise the two prisoners would be breaking the law by bearing false witness. So the council could do no more than threaten. They had to let them go. The healing of the lame man, who was over 40-years-of-age, had brought many people to thank God for His love and mercy.
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