DENIS PLANT, principal of Vision Colleges in Australia, writes about the advantages of studying the Bible “at your pace from your place”…
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No study is as valuable to an individual or group of people as the study of the Word of God. Why so? Because no study can so affect a man or woman as the study of the Word of God. It is the proper study and application of Scripture that changes lives. and always for the better.
Why distance learning?
Vision Colleges is a distance education Bible college based in Australia but serving students globally.
Gain recognised theological qualifications studying from your place…at your pace.
With Vision College you don’t need to leave your home, your church, your ministry or your family to earn a degree or complete your studies. Why? Because we send the college to YOU.
Our flexibility and depth of choice combine the finest range of study options for your ministry preparation or personal study.
Our student body has grown to more than 150,000 people in 145 countries around the world. All our courses and materials are extremely cost effective and students are able to pay for each module as they study it, meaning there are no large up-front costs involved.
Contact us today for more information and begin a journey of study into the Word of God that will change your life and the lives of all those you come into contact with.
Now there us nothing to stop you…Kick-start your ministry today
Call: (02) 9603 2077 Email: Visit:
There are many benefits: first and foremost is the ability to study from home without the added cost of living in the seminary, leaving your job, your home, your ministry and support group.
The student is able to link with their own pastor who has known the student, often for many years, the pastor or ministry team are mentors and a part of the training process.
This is a major benefit to the local church because the student can stay and become a part of its ministry strength. The principles learned are applied in the local church and the member is not lost to it.
Students who are mobile in their lifestyle due to work or preference can easily continue their studies with Vision Colleges by post or email.
How are Vision Colleges different?
Our uniqueness is largely in our flexibility.
We offer formally accredited awards as well as non-accredited awards and religious exempt degrees up to a PhD.
While we can and do offer a curriculum, we enable the student to tailor their studies to suit their own individual needs, we recognise that every student is an some with unique needs.
Our flexible time frame allows students to take extra time if needed without loss of credit. We all know that ‘life happens’ and we are not always in control: no matter how well disciplined we may be.
We work with local churches to develop their own Bible college with us to meet the needs of their own congregation and minister to their community.
Vision Colleges are international and inter-denominational. Since our launch in 1974, Vision Colleges have reached 154 nations around the world with an active student body of more than 150,000 enrolled students at any given time.
Vision Colleges are non-denominational – what are the key strengths of that?
Our focus is on teaching the word of God, we utilise Biblical theology rather than systematic.
This makes us accepted across denominational boundaries by both the student body and multiple denominations.
What sort of courses do you offer?
We are a Bible college, and that is all we are concerned to teach, simply the word of God.
Firstly, we offer Accredited studies, the Christian Ministry and Theology from Certificate to Graduate Diploma. These courses are most suited to students entering formal ministry.
Secondly, we offer non-accredited awards from a Certificate to a Diploma of Biblical Theology. These studies are ideal for anyone who seeks to learn the word of God for personal interest, spiritual growth and they are also used for ministry training by most Pentecostal, charismatic, evangelical, and independent denominations.
Additionally, we offer Religious Exempt degrees from a bachelor’s to a PhD in Theology. These awards are issued from our universities in the United States and are for religious purposes only – that is ministry training and development.
Are your courses expensive?
No. We are very affordable.
The range of fees varies with the courses undertaken and include the learning materials. details of the fees are freely available. There are no hidden costs or fees.
We keep our prices down because we do not have a large staff to pay no great properties to maintain and we are mission based. Students can pay as they go, subject-by-subject no additional charges.
Are you ready to start a Bible college in your church for your people?
Contact Us: phone: (02) 96032077
Denis Plant is the principal of Vision Colleges. This article has been sponsored by Vision Colleges.
One Response
Is a good initiative Yes I’m ready to study the bible and I’m waiting for notification