DAVID ADAMS writes about the odder side of life…
• An Alabama-based city councillor has invoked God’s dress sense in his quest to ban sagging jeans which show off the wearer’s undergarments. Councillor Frank Goodman has reportedly told a council meeting that he prayed about the issue in preparing for the drafting of the new dress code, concluding that: “I know that God would not go around with pants down”. The council is also looking at banning short skirts.
• It’s been his life’s passion but not one that he’s passed on to his children. Seventy-nine-year-old English farmer Paul Rackham is reportedly selling off his collection of more than 230 rare and old agricultural machines – worth an estimated £2 million – after saying his family didn’t share his passion for collecting tractors. The collection, which is stored in a giant grain shed in Norfolk, is being sold by auction.
• Fancy your arm at throwing a black pudding (and not just because you’re not a fan of munching on a sausage made of congealed pig’s blood, fat and meat)? The annual World Black Pudding Throwing Championships – a contest which apparently traces its origins to an incident in the 15th century Wars of the Roses when the armies of the Houses of Lancaster and York threw food at each other – have recently concluded with a British builder reportedly taking out the honours. Contestants at the contest in Manchester tossed the black puddings in an attempt to knock as many Yorkshire puddings off a six metre high platform as they could.