Essay: Fighting McKenzie, the Anzac spirit and Australian values

As Australia marks Anzac Day, WARWICK MARSH looks at what the life of World War I army chaplain Wiliam “Fighting Mac” McKenzie can tell us about the Anzac spirit…
Essay: Anzac Day – more than just a symbol
MARK TRONSON writes about how our perceptions of Anzac Day are changing…
The Big Picture: An Anzac’s view
The National Archives of Australia have published on online exhibition of 41 photographs of Anzac Beach and its surrounds, taken in 1915 by three young servicemen: George Downes, Arthur James Cook and Henry James Lowe. Here, we publish six of the images in the exhibition…
Essay: Approaching Anzac Day with mixed emotions
NILS VON KALM finds himself challenged by the meaning of Anzac Day…
Essay: Finding the Anzac spirit

COL STRINGER goes in search of the ‘Anzac Spirit’…
Anzac Day 2005: Remembering Simpson and his donkey

DAVID ADAMS reports on moves to celebrate an Australian icon, Simpson and his donkey…