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US Catholic bishops say they will defend migrants if Trump violates rights

Baltimore, US RNS Gathering in Baltimore on Tuesday, just a week after former President Donald Trump won reelection, leaders of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops promised to defend immigrants and poor people in the coming years. “As the successors of the Apostles and vicars of Christ in our dioceses, we never backpedal or renounce […]

US military hospital chided for shift in Catholic pastoral care

A sign stands near an entrance to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Tuesday, 27th November, 2018, in Bethesda, Maryland.

United States AP The management of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has drawn criticism from a prominent archbishop – and some members of Congress – by choosing not to renew a contract for Franciscan priests to provide pastoral care, and instead hiring a secular firm to oversee provision of those services going forward. For […]

US Catholic bishops to elect new leaders, mark abuse reform milestone

US Archbishop Jose H Gomez

United States AP US Catholic bishops began their fall meeting Monday where they will be electing new leaders – a vote that may signal whether they want to be more closely aligned with Pope Francis ‘ agenda or not. Several of the 10 candidates to be the next president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are part of its […]