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US Lenten cease-fire campaign includes Ash Wednesday Mass outside White House

Washington DC, US RNS About 100 Christian protesters from several denominations praying for a cease-fire in Israel and Gaza gathered outside the White House on Ash Wednesday for a Catholic Mass and ecumenical Christian witness. “The intention was to pray for our fellow Catholic, Joe Biden,” said Judy Coode, communications director for the Catholic peace […]

St Valentine’s hometown strikes a balance between Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day

Terni, Italy RNS This Wednesday marked a peculiar challenge for practicing Catholics. Valentine’s Day, characterised by candlelit dinners and boxed chocolates, and Ash Wednesday, the start of Lenten privations, collided on 14th February this year, for an odd mashup of romance and abstinence. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has made it clear there will […]

Pope urges Catholics to swap social media for reflection as Lent begins

Rome, Italy Reuters Pope Francis urged Catholics to forgo worldly trappings and focus on essentials as he opened the season of Lent with a traditional Ash Wednesday Mass on one of Rome’s historic seven hills.  He criticised people’s tendency to lay bare their lives on social media, deploring “a world in which everything, including our […]

Ten day vigil for climate change to kick off in London on Ash Wednesday

Norwich, UK A special 10 day Lenten vigil for climate change kicks off in London on Ash Wednesday. It has been organised by a coalition compromising Christian Aid, CAFOD, The Salvation Army, A Rocha UK, Christian Climate Action, Tearfund, Green Christian, Operation Noah and JPIT, a Baptist Union, Methodist Church and United Reformed church team […]

Remember Ukrainians in shelters, Pope says; thanks Poland for refugee help

Vatican Pope with members of Italian armed forces

Vatican City Reuters Pope Francis on Wednesday asked people around the world to remember Ukrainians in underground shelters seeking protection from bombardments and thanked Poland for taking in the bulk of refugees from the war. Francis spoke at his weekly general audience on Ash Wednesday, which he has declared a day of prayer and fasting […]

Pope makes personal appeal in remarkable Russia embassy trip

Pope Francis Russian President Vladimir Putin 2015

Vatican City AP Pope Francis went to the Russian Embassy on Friday to personally “express his concern about the war” in Ukraine, in an extraordinary, hands-on papal gesture that has no recent precedent. Francis later assured a top Ukrainian Greek Catholic leader he would do “everything I can” to help. Usually, popes receive ambassadors and […]

Ukraine appeals for UN help, Russia says can’t ignore ‘genocide’

UN General Assembly Ukraine crisis

United Nations Reuters Ukraine appealed to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday to stop Russia’s “aggressive plans,” while Russia said it could not ignore “the blatant genocide” of Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and disparaged UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Guterres and the United States have dismissed Moscow’s claims of genocide. United Nations Secretary General Antonio […]