Atheism done?

Is the atheist experiment over? Human psychology shows us that it is literally impossible to live without looking up to something; without having a north star or highest ideal that we use to define and assess our life. PICTURE: Guilherme Stecanella/Unsplash This highest ideal we would generally call God. Even if we don’t believe in […]
Make atheists doubt?

Dietrich Bonhoffer wrote (and I paraphrase): “Your life as a Christian should make atheists doubt their disbelief.” What a quote. ILLUSTRATION: Natalie_/iStockphoto. I’m humbled that someone said to me recently “That’s what you do. Make atheists doubt”. I’ve gotta say, I don’t believe we do this in our own strength. Rather this is about putting […]
Who are the ‘nones’?: New Pew study debunks myths about America’s nonreligious.

“Today, the ‘nones’ kind of look like everybody else,” said sociologist Ryan Cragun. “At some level, we’re saying, hey, actually, this is just your neighbour.” KATHRYN POST, of Religion News Service, reports…
For atheists, the idea of aliens seems real. Religious people doubt it.

RNS Tom Flynn does not believe in God. He’s less willing to say the same about aliens. “Given the evidence we have now, I think it’s more likely that a dispassionate observer would conclude that intelligent life elsewhere is possible,” said Flynn, a science fiction writer and editor of the humanist magazine Free Inquiry. “Now […]
US city of Portland bans discrimination against atheists, other nonbelievers

RNS Non-believers in Portland, Oregon, are feeling affirmed this week after the city council amended the city’s civil rights code to extend protection from discrimination to atheists, agnostics and other people who claim no religion. “What it is is validating because my city thinks I am of the same value as any other individual, and […]
Africa, home to growing number of Christians and Muslims, contends with atheists, too

Nairobi, Kenya RNS When the doors swing open every Sunday morning, churches in Africa welcome thousands of new followers. On this deeply religious continent, both Christianity and Islam are on the rise. But small groups of determined atheists are challenging Africa’s grip on faith while seeking recognition and more followers. Harrison Mumia, president of Atheists […]

YONAT SHIMRON, of Religion News Service, reports on a new survey into the belief of Americans…