The Explainer: What is the Epiphany? Why is it also called Three Kings Day? And when do Christians celebrate it?

The Associated Press takes a look at what the Christian celebration of Epiphany is all about…
Essay: Who is at the manger? Nativity sets around the world show each culture’s take on the Christmas story

In an article first published on The Conversation, KAYLA HARRIS and NEOMI DE ANDA, both of the University of Dayton in the US, look at how nativity scenes are adapted around the world…
This Life: When love came down at Christmas

US columnist CAROL ROUND, in an article first published on ASSIST News Service, writes about the “essence” of the celebration…
The Interview: Bruce Chilton on his new book plumbing the role the Herods had in forming early Jewish, Christian views

YONAT SHIMRON, of Religion News Service, speaks with academic Bruce Chilton about the dynastic royal family that governed Judea during the time of Christ…
Lockdown looms over Christmas in Bethlehem

Ramallah, West Bank AP The mayor of Bethlehem on Thursday said Christmas celebrations in the birthplace of Jesus will be limited to just a handful of people this year as Palestinian officials announced a strict new lockdown across the West Bank due to a soaring coronavirus outbreak. In an interview, Mayor Anton Salman said his […]