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US Catholic bishops say they will defend migrants if Trump violates rights

Baltimore, US RNS Gathering in Baltimore on Tuesday, just a week after former President Donald Trump won reelection, leaders of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops promised to defend immigrants and poor people in the coming years. “As the successors of the Apostles and vicars of Christ in our dioceses, we never backpedal or renounce […]

Texas judge temporarily blocks attempt to shut down Annunciation House

United States RNS A state judge has temporarily blocked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts to investigate and close Annunciation House, a volunteer-run network of Catholic migrant shelters based in El Paso. Paxton attempted to “run roughshod over Annunciation House, without regard to due process or fair play,” wrote state District Judge Francisco Dominguez in […]

In the US, Catholics rally around Annunciation House after lawsuit

United States RNS Catholics are rallying around Annunciation House, a network of Catholic migrant shelters based in El Paso, Texas, after the state’s Attorney General, Ken Paxton, has attempted to shut down the non-profit.  “Our church, our city and our country owe Annunciation House a deep debt of gratitude,” El Paso’s Catholic Bishop, Mark Seitz, […]