On the Screen: Stars bring depth to ‘The Miracle Club’

DAVID ADAMS finds an experienced ensemble make ‘The Miracle Club’ an authentic experience…
Saints of Past Ages: Blaise Pascal, one of the first to grapple with the role of faith in an age of science and reason

DAVID HOINSKI says – in an article first published on The Conversation – that the Catholic theologian, born 400 years ago, left a deep and lasting influence on the world that can be felt today…
The Long Read: Why the US Navy is deploying more chaplains for suicide prevention

GIOVANNA DELL’ORTO, of Associated Press, reports on moves to deploy chaplains as regular members of the crew on more ships…
Ancient bodies found in Mexico City show shared Catholic, pre-Hispanic graves

Mexico City, Mexico Reuters The remains of 28 human bodies buried at least four hundred years ago in Mexico indicate the comingling of pre-Hispanic and Catholic cultures that Spanish colonizers introduced, local researchers told Reuters. The discovery took place during the construction of a scenic pavilion in Mexico City’s Chapultepec park in February, when researchers […]
Church attendance: More Americans stay away as pandemic nears year three

Many Americans already had dropped out of church life before the pandemic. BOB SMIETANA reports that a new survey shows COVID-19 gave them a reason to let go completely…
Bulgarians, Greeks celebrate Epiphany with traditional rituals

Sofia, Bulgaria/Athens, Greece AP Thousands of young men are plunging into rivers and lakes across Bulgaria to retrieve crucifixes, in an old ritual marking the feast of Epiphany. By tradition, a crucifix is cast into the waters of a lake or river, and it is believed that the person who retrieves it will be freed […]
In the US, Congress’ new class has much higher percentage of Christians than American public

United States RNS The religious makeup of the new Congress bucks the trends seen in American religious life, a new report finds. The Pew Research Center says the Senate and House members are “largely untouched” by the continuing decrease in the portion of Americans who identify as Christian and the comparable increase in the share of those […]
Finding consensus: In these polarised times, even a prayer could be up for debate

ADELLE M BANKS reports that after struggling over wording in the prayer, one ecumenical organisation in the US is developing new tools to address divides within its own network…
Australian churches join with other religious faiths in supporting Uluru Statement

Australia Australian Christian leaders are joining with those of other faiths in declaring their support for an Indigenous voice in Australia’s constitution, according to a report. The Australian newspaper reported that the Catholic, Uniting and Anglican churches as well as representatives of the National Council of Churches are joining with Australian National Council of Imams, the Executive Council of […]
Prayer or weapons?: Theologians reflect on non-violence in the context of the Ukraine conflict

JONATHAN FOYE reports on differing perspectives on how theologians view the idea of non-violence in the context of the conflict raging in Ukraine…