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US college cuts tuition to make Christian education more accessible

Gordon College Massachusetts US

RNS Gordon College in Wenham in the US state of Massachusetts announced a 33 per cent tuition cut Thursday, joining two other Council for Christian Colleges and Universities members that have reset their tuition in the last two weeks in an effort to make private Christian education more accessible.   The cut will go into […]

Rachael Denhollander: Christian colleges key in declaring sex abuse is ‘evil’

Rachael Denhollander

Washington DC, US RNS Abuse survivor and activist Rachael Denhollander brought her advocacy to presidents of evangelical colleges, urging them at their annual conference to not discount sexual abuse but to instead support survivors who report it. “As Christian institutions you are the most equipped to condemn sexual abuse and objectification,” she told dozens of […]

US Christian university leaders meet to discuss how they can diversify their campuses

Diversity Conference1

Newberg, Oregon RNS The images of marchers with tiki torches chanting “You will not replace us!” at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, are still vivid in Brenda Salter McNeil’s mind. They looked just “like any other student,” Salter McNeil said. She wondered if any of them could have been Christian students. “There’s […]