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Essay: The US Navy needs more chaplains

Navy Chaplain Lt Greg Johnson speaks about the his role aboard the USS Bataan on Tuesday, 14th March, 2023.

All three US sea services want and need more chaplains, writes Rear Admiral GREGORY N TODD, chief of US Navy Chaplains. But, he says in an article published by Religion News Service, the recruiting deficit is extreme…

Chaplains made part of Ukraine’s military as war drags on

Heads of church organisations blessing Ukrainian military chaplains during the official ceremony of presenting certificates at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Saturday, 1st April, 2023.

Kyiv, Ukraine AP To the haunting chants of a church choir in Kyiv’s 11th century Saint Sophia Cathedral, the first group of chaplains to join the Ukrainian military’s command structure graduated in a ceremony Saturday. Heads of church organisations bless Ukrainian military chaplains during the official ceremony of presenting certificates at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, […]