Support network: US Border Patrol trains more chaplains as the job and polarising immigration debate rattle agents

GIOVANNA DELL’ORTO, of Associated Press, reports from a training academy for Border Patrol chaplains in Florida…
As nations face off in Olympic competition, faith leaders unite to serve athletes

RNS For the more than 11,040 athletes from more than 200 countries in Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics, the games are not just one of the most physically intense moments of their lives, but psychologically intense as well, as years of training and hoping may be realized or lost in mere moments. It’s enough […]
Paris Olympics: In secular France, chaplains prepare to provide Olympians with spiritual support

GIOVANNA DELL’ORTO, of Associated Press, reports from Paris ahead of the Olympic Games which kick off late next month…
US universities: Amid surge of campus protests, chaplains find reason for hope in their students

The chaplains at Ivy League and other top schools say the students have learned about the concerns of other faiths, while finding ways to express their own. ELIZABETH E EVANS, of Religion News Service, reports…
Conversations: US hospital chaplain JS Park talks grief in new book

“The biggest myth I see is that grief is a poison to get past,” said Park, who spoke to KATHRYN POST of Religion News Service…
Essay: The US Navy needs more chaplains

All three US sea services want and need more chaplains, writes Rear Admiral GREGORY N TODD, chief of US Navy Chaplains. But, he says in an article published by Religion News Service, the recruiting deficit is extreme…
The Long Read: Why the US Navy is deploying more chaplains for suicide prevention

GIOVANNA DELL’ORTO, of Associated Press, reports on moves to deploy chaplains as regular members of the crew on more ships…
Chaplains made part of Ukraine’s military as war drags on

Kyiv, Ukraine AP To the haunting chants of a church choir in Kyiv’s 11th century Saint Sophia Cathedral, the first group of chaplains to join the Ukrainian military’s command structure graduated in a ceremony Saturday. Heads of church organisations bless Ukrainian military chaplains during the official ceremony of presenting certificates at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, […]
Chaplains offer more than prayers: New study confirms impact on ICU families

KATHRYN POST, of Religion News Service, reports on what a new study shows about the work of chaplains in US Intensive care units…
Essay: Who’s giving Americans spiritual care? As congregational attendance shrinks, it’s often chaplains

In an article first published on The Conversation, WENDY CADGE, author of ‘Spiritual Care: The Everyday Work of Chaplains’, says the role of chaplains may become more significant as more Americans step away from traditional religious congregations…