Biden raises refugee ceiling, and faith-based groups brace for rebuilding work

Washington, US RNS Faith-based refugee resettlement groups are celebrating President Joe Biden’s decision to raise the number of refugees allowed into the US for the remainder of the federal fiscal year to 62,500, even as they acknowledge that they need to rebuild their capacity after years of cuts under the previous administration. The announcement from […]
Cancelled flights, expired clearances: US refugee resettlement in limbo awaiting promised changes

RNS It’s been two months since President Joe Biden signed an executive order he said would “begin the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program.” Part of that work was to include raising the number of refugees allowed into the United States from 15,000, a historic low set by the former president, to 125,000 in the […]
With new executive order in US, this immigrant is leaving church sanctuary after 3.5 years

Durham, North Carolina, US RNS Jose Chicas, a native of El Salvador who has been living in church sanctuary for more than three years, will move out Friday after President Joe Biden signed an executive order temporarily halting the deportation of undocumented immigrants. Chicas, 55, has been living in an old clapboard house next door […]
US court blocks Trump executive order allowing state and local officials to refuse refugees

RNS Three faith-based refugee resettlement organizations are declaring “victory” in their court battle to block President Donald Trump’s 2019 executive order allowing state and local officials to refuse refugees. The decision came Friday as Maryland’s 4th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a preliminary injunction blocking the order. Residents in support of continued refugee resettlement hold signs at a meeting […]
US faith groups applaud Supreme Court DACA decision

Washington DC, US RNS Faith groups are applauding the US Supreme Court’s decision temporarily halting the Trump administration’s efforts to rescind an Obama-era program granting legal protection to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children. The five to four decision, written by Chief Justice John G Roberts, Jr, […]
US federal judge blocks executive order on refugees in lawsuit by three faith-based organisations

RNS A federal judge in Maryland has blocked US President Donald Trump’s recent executive order allowing state and local officials to refuse refugee resettlement. The preliminary injunction is part of HIAS v Trump, a lawsuit by three faith-based organisations against the US Government over the order. Residents in support of continued refugee resettlement hold signs […]
Most US states agree to admit refugees as judge hears lawsuit to stop resettlement order

RNS A federal judge in Maryland heard arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit by three faith-based organisations against the US Government over a recent executive order allowing state and local officials to block refugee resettlement. In the complaint filed in November, HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service argue President […]
US faith groups sue Trump administration over refugee resettlement order

RNS Three US faith-based groups that assist with refugee resettlement are suing the Federal Government, arguing a recent executive order granting state and local officials the authority to block refugee resettlement violates federal law and inhibits their ability to practice their faith. HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Church World Service, and Lutheran […]
At a US church forum, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren says she is open to suspending deportations

Raleigh, North Carolina, US RNS At a campaign event held at a church that is providing sanctuary to an undocumented immigrant, Senator Elizabeth Warren on Friday said she would consider suspending deportations to pressure Congress to come up with a solution to the immigration crisis. Speaking at Umstead Park United Church of Christ, Warren was […]
In the US, immigration officials drop $US300,000 fine for an immigrant in church sanctuary

RNS The message Pastor Isaac Villegas got on his cell phone earlier this week was short and sweet. “Un problema menos,” texted Rosa del Carmen Ortez-Cruz, a mother of four living in sanctuary at a Presbyterian church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. “One less problem.” Rosa Ortez-Cruz has been in santuary at the Church of […]