Which church?

There are two types of church. The first attracts youth with modern music and cinematic presentations, yet often their theology is simplistic and focused on the amazing future God has for you. PICTURE: Brandon Griggs/Unsplash This works for those full of possibilities! But few people’s lives go to plan. When disaster hits – it can […]
Kenyan youth protesters hold Christian leaders to account as they force economic changes

Nairobi, Kenya RNS Five weeks after young Kenyans poured into the streets under the banner of “Gen Z”, forcing changes in the government, they have also called Christian churches to account for how denominations relate with politicians. Rejecting a controversial finance bill floated by the government in June, the teenagers and young adults protesting have […]
Heads of churches say Israeli Government is demanding they pay property tax, upsetting status quo

Jerusalem AP Leaders of major churches have accused Israeli authorities of launching a “coordinated attack” on the Christian presence in the Holy Land by initiating tax proceedings against them. While Israeli officials have tried to dismiss the disagreement as a routine financial matter, the churches say the move upsets a centuries-old status quo and reflects […]
Europeans back preserving historic places of worship, poll finds

Norwich, UK An overwhelming majority of European citizens believe that preserving religious heritage and historic places of worship is crucial to their community in the present and future, according to Brussels based organisation, Future for Religious Heritage (FRH). Rocio Sanchez, spokesperson for the non-profit FRH – which describes itself as European network for historic […]
Essay: Christianity is changing in South Africa as Pentecostal and Indigenous churches grow – what’s behind the trend

DION FOSTER, professor of public theology at the Free University of Amsterdam, looks at changing religious demographics in South Africa in an article first published on The Conversation…
Churches at risk: In the UK, National Churches Trust launch campaign calling for action to protect historic places of worship

ANGELA YOUNGMAN reports on efforts to conserve England’s religious heritage…
Essay: From church to the mosque, faith and friends help Iowa’s African immigrants and refugees build a sense of home

Social scientists OSAMAMEN OBA EDUVIERE and BRADY G’SELL, of the University of Iowa, explain – in an article first published on The Conversation – detail the findings of the Homebuilding in the Heartland research project…
Safe haven?: LGBTQ+ refugees face hardships in Kenya’s Kakuma camp

TONNY ONYULO reports on the plight of the LGBTQ asylum-seekers and refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya…
Abandoning community?

Numerous studies have begun to point out the seismic shift happening across Western society. It’s being noticed in all our once great cultural icons – Rotary, scouts, sporting groups and churches: the abandonment of community. PICTURE:Nilotpal Kalita/Unsplash That leaves me in a cold sweat. Westerners are abandoning community!? We are a human species, we only […]
At a church rectory in Boston, Haitian migrants place their hopes on hard work and helping hands

Boston, US AP When Ernseau Admettre decided to leave Haiti and head north with his young family in tow, very little was guaranteed. But the situation in his homeland, beset by poverty and gang violence, had grown so dire that a risky passage to and then across the United States’ southern border offered a kind […]