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Which church?

There are two types of church. The first attracts youth with modern music and cinematic presentations, yet often their theology is simplistic and focused on the amazing future God has for you. PICTURE: Brandon Griggs/Unsplash This works for those full of possibilities! But few people’s lives go to plan. When disaster hits – it can […]

Kenyan youth protesters hold Christian leaders to account as they force economic changes

Nairobi, Kenya RNS Five weeks after young Kenyans poured into the streets under the banner of “Gen Z”, forcing changes in the government, they have also called Christian churches to account for how denominations relate with politicians. Rejecting a controversial finance bill floated by the government in June, the teenagers and young adults protesting have […]

Europeans back preserving historic places of worship, poll finds

Norwich, UK An overwhelming majority of European citizens believe that preserving religious heritage and historic places of worship is crucial to their community in the present and future, according to Brussels based organisation, Future for Religious Heritage (FRH).    Rocio Sanchez, spokesperson for the non-profit FRH – which describes itself as European network for historic […]

Abandoning community?

Numerous studies have begun to point out the seismic shift happening across Western society. It’s being noticed in all our once great cultural icons – Rotary, scouts, sporting groups and churches: the abandonment of community. PICTURE:Nilotpal Kalita/Unsplash That leaves me in a cold sweat. Westerners are abandoning community!? We are a human species, we only […]