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Emotions and grief

Grief statue

I’ve previously said we are emotional beings much more than we want to admit. Emotions control us. PICTURE: K Mitch Hodge/Unsplash The greatest proof that we are feeling beings is grief, because grief overwhelms us. So many books on grief are written for our minds – “How can a good God allow suffering?”. But when grief […]

Immediate or eternal?

Northern Ireland Belfast CS Lewis

During World War II, BBC radio wanted to give the British public, who were going through the Blitz, something to think about that transcended the war. A statue of CS Lewis in Belfast, Northern Ireland. PICTURE: K Mitch Hodge/Unsplash They asked a little-known academic to give some talks on Christianity, a foundation of English life. […]

Sight-Seeing: The four loves (of New York life)

NY LIfe Super Bowl commericial

In an article first published on Religion News Service, Rev TIM SCHENCK – an Episocopal rector and author of ‘Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection Between Coffee and Faith’, reflects on the meaning of agape love in light of a Super Bowl commercial this week…