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Three dead in Senegal protests over delayed presidential election

Dakar, Senegal Reuters The death toll amid protests in Senegal over the postponement of the presidential election until December has climbed to three, as concerns grow that one of the remaining democracies in coup-hit West Africa is under threat. The announcement of the delay just three weeks ahead of the planned on 25th February vote […]

Three Senegal opposition lawmakers arrested after disputed vote delay

Dakar, Senegal Reuters Three Senegalese opposition lawmakers were arrested on Tuesday amid the fallout from parliament’s move to delay a presidential vote by 10 months that prompted West Africa’s economic and political bloc to call for the re-establishment of the electoral calendar. Lawmakers late on Monday approved a last-minute amendment to hold the vote on […]

Nigerians vote for new president, braving long delays in hope of bringing change

People looks for their names on voters list put up on a wall at a polling unit, during Nigeria's Presidential election in Agulu, Anambra state, Nigeria February 25, 2023.

Kano, Nigeria Reuters Nigeria’s presidential election was marked by long delays at some polling stations on Saturday, which did not deter large crowds of voters hoping for a reset after years of worsening violence and hardship under outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari. Africa’s most populous nation is struggling with Islamist insurgencies in the north-east, an epidemic […]

Explainer: Why Libya’s election has collapsed and what comes next

Libya Tripoli flag

Tunis. Libya Reuters Libya said on Wednesday its planned election would not take place but it has not set a new date or worked out how to move forward to avoid a return to conflict.  This sets out the main issues and what might happen next. How did we get here? Libya fell apart after […]