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Evangelicals venture to Israel in show of solidarity

Jerusalem RNS Gerald McDermott, an American Anglican priest and retired professor of theology, had visited Israel 22 times before his most recent trip. The author of two books on Christian Zionism and the meaning of Israel to Christianity, he was invited to join a mission in late January to show solidarity with the Israeli people […]

Will Trump’s latest indictment hurt him with evangelical Christians? Probably not.

Former US President Donald Trump, who was arraigned on federal charges related to attempts to overturn his 2020 election defeat, prepares to depart Washington at Reagan Washington National Airport in nearby Arlington, Virginia, US, on 3rd August, 2023.

Washington DC, US RNS As President and since, Donald Trump has repeatedly sought to blunt the impact of scandals and prosecutions by leaning into his nearly ironclad support among evangelical Christian pastors and other leaders. Some of those figures are again rallying to Trump after his arraignment Thursday on charges of plotting to overturn the […]

Fewer US evangelicals support public school childhood vaccine requirements, survey shows

US attitudes to vaccines1

United States RNS In what could be a sign of COVID-19’s influence, some sectors of US society – specifically white evangelicals and Republicans – are showing a growing aversion to the requirement that schoolchildren be vaccinated for illnesses like mumps and measles. Overall, about 70 per cent of Americans say healthy children should be mandated […]