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Essay: Protecting the climate is loving our neighbour

Wind turbines

In an article first published on Religion News Service, DIANE RANDALL, general secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation in the US, says faith communities have a newfound hope that political and business leaders are joining in calls for greater action on the environment…

In the US, faith groups celebrate Virginia’s death penalty ban

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RNS Faith groups are celebrating Virginia’s decision to ban the death penalty, a move considered to be a victory for religious opposition to capital punishment. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed the ban – the first of any Southern state and the 23rd overall – into law on Wednesday, declaring it “the moral thing to do.” […]

“Deadly as Dachau”: US activists call for mass decarceration during pandemic

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Boston, US RNS If any locals still braving the streets walked past Boston’s John F Kennedy Federal Building over the weekend, they may have found themselves staring at a massive black-and-white image of Anne Frank’s face. “Anne Frank died of an infectious disease in a crowded detention center,” read the image, projected Sunday night by […]

Coronavirus shutdowns disrupt America’s soul, closing houses of worship

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RNS The coronavirus outbreak has disrupted day-to-day life for millions. In the US, colleges have shut down their campuses, major sporting events – like March Madness, baseball’s spring training, and the entire schedule of NBA games – have been cancelled or suspended, major conferences have been scrapped and public schools and businesses are telling people […]