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Farmers block Dutch-Belgian border as protests spread across Europe

Brussels, Belgium Reuters Farmers blocked the Dutch-Belgian border and occupied roads in Greece on Friday, while a Polish union announced plans to shut border crossings with Ukraine as European protests over prices and red tape spread. Protests have erupted in several countries, exposing anger about low prices for produce, rising costs, cheap imports and constraints […]

Italian farmer battles frost, floods, heat and hail in epic year

A farmer stands next to a greenhouse in a field covered with cracked solidified mud, in the aftermath of deadly floods in Emilia-Romagna, in Forli, Italy, on 1st June, 2023.

Forli, Italy Reuters Farmer Andrea Ferrini is on the frontline of climate change in Italy and it is hurting. First his fruit and corn crops in northern Italy withered in a hard frost, then they were hit by torrential rains and record flooding, followed by an exceptional heatwave and finally hail storms. A farmer stands […]

As drought withers Tunisian fields, state feels financial pinch

Tunisian farmer Hasan Chetoui, 64, cuts wheat spikes at his farm in Manouba, Tunisia, on 18th May, 2023.

Tunis, Tunisia Reuters As rains failed, Tunisian farmers watched their crops wither this spring, harvesting early to salvage some as animal feed and piling costs on a state struggling to afford wheat imports with bakeries running out of bread.  At his farm just outside Tunis, Hasan Chetoui stood clutching dry sheaves of wheat, the ears […]