US lawmakers join faith leaders to voice support for ‘Build Back Better’ package

Washington DC, US RNS US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and several other Democratic lawmakers joined a group of mostly liberal-leaning religious leaders on Wednesday to voice faith-rooted support for federal legislation central to President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda. Pelosi, a Catholic who recently met with Pope Francis, invoked her faith while drawing attention to […]
1,000 plus US faith leaders call for ‘free and fair election’

Washington DC, US AP More than 1,000 clergy members, religious scholars and other faith-based advocates have signed onto a unique statement that supports a comprehensive path to “a free and fair election” and urges leaders to heed the verdict of “legitimate election results” regardless of who wins in November. Signatories of the statement, shared in advance with […]
One year before election, Christian leaders cross divides to call for “dignity and respect”

RNS This Sunday (3rd November) marks exactly one year until the 2020 US presidential election. And Christian leaders across theological and political divides are kicking off an initiative called “Golden Rule 2020: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics,” hoping the next 365 days won’t be a repeat of 2016’s divisive election season. Representatives […]