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Contractors arrive in Haiti to build base for Kenyan-led forces

Nairobi, Kenya Reuters Civilian contractors have arrived in Haiti to build living quarters for a Kenyan-led international security force meant to counter gang violence in the Caribbean nation, the US military’s Southern Command said. The UN Security Council approved in October the creation of the Multinational Security Support mission to help Haitian police wrest back […]

Haiti transition council walks back PM nomination, exposing divide

Port-au-Prince, Haiti Reuters The majority of Haiti’s transition council who had nominated an interim prime minister earlier this week has walked back the decision, exposing the internal turmoil of the group charged with leading the Caribbean nation out of a prolonged crisis. Late on Wednesday, four of the council’s seven voting members issued a statement […]

As new Haiti leadership takes power, gangs demand a seat at the table

Port-au-Prince, Haiti Reuters Haiti’s new transition council is set to choose the country’s next president on Tuesday, but leaders of the gangs who have exerted increasing control are clamouring for political influence and amnesties and threatening violence if their demands are not met. Last week, after former Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigned, the council was […]

Haiti transitional government takes power as gangs hold capital “hostage”

Port-au-Prince. Haiti Reuters Haiti’s transition council took power in a ceremony on Thursday, formalising the resignation of former Prime Minster Ariel Henry as the Caribbean country seeks to establish security after years of gang violence wreaking chaos and misery. Henry’s Finance Minister, Michel Patrick Boisvert, will be interim Prime Minister until the transition council appoints […]

Haiti police bolster security around palace ahead of transition

Port-au-Prince Reuters Haitian police deployed tear gas to move people back from a security perimeter around the National Palace while soldiers gripping rifles patrolled the international airport’s diplomatic entrance on Tuesday, ahead of a planned change of government. The palace has come under repeated fire from gangs that have paralysed the capital Port-au-Prince. A nine-member […]

UN warns Haiti’s capital blockaded, no aid for malnourished children

United Nations/Port-au-Prince, Haiti Reuters Haiti’s capital is almost completely cut off by air, sea and land blockades as gang violence intensifies, stopping aid from getting to 58,000 children with the most life-threatening form of malnutrition, the head of the UN children’s agency warned on Monday. UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell said two-thirds of Haiti’s children […]

Haiti’s capital under gang attacks ahead of government transition

Port-au-Prince Reuters Armed gangs launched fresh attacks on parts of Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince ahead of the installation of a transitional council set to usher in a new government, local media said on Sunday, reporting arson and heavy gunfire in the city centre. The Lower Delmas area is turning into “a battlefield between police and armed […]