Freedom…or suffering?
You can still buy fireworks in some states of Australia but most have banned them because people were injured by them. PICTURE: Dovapi/iStockphoto When mothers cry out to government about the suffering of their children, government listen. The cost is that we don’t have that freedom anymore. We cry out to God regarding all the […]
Which church?
There are two types of church. The first attracts youth with modern music and cinematic presentations, yet often their theology is simplistic and focused on the amazing future God has for you. PICTURE: Brandon Griggs/Unsplash This works for those full of possibilities! But few people’s lives go to plan. When disaster hits – it can […]
This Life: God doesn’t let go
SAMANTHA ELLEY reflects on her gratefulness for the many times that God has ensured she didn’t fall…
Atheism done?
Is the atheist experiment over? Human psychology shows us that it is literally impossible to live without looking up to something; without having a north star or highest ideal that we use to define and assess our life. PICTURE: Guilherme Stecanella/Unsplash This highest ideal we would generally call God. Even if we don’t believe in […]
Death metal…until?
I read once about a death metal band who sing about anarchy, violence, and rebellion against God – you know, don’t follow the rules. They got all upset because people were coming to their gigs, and were not following the rules. PICTURE: ipopba/iStockphoto “Someone bought a gun to the gig! They were trying to get […]
Which Gospel?
Which of these is the better Gospel? PICTURE: artplus/iStockphoto God has a plan for your life. A life of prosperity and dreams realised. Of fulfilment and abundant blessings. or… God has a plan for life. To seek the lost. Restore the broken hearted. Set the captives free. Feed the hungry. Reconcile the estranged. Forgive the […]
To be seen
“Mummy, mummy look at me.” From our first breath, we desire to be seen. To be noticed. PICTURE: Thx4Stock/iStockphoto This modern world has given us the most tangible tools to do that, to be seen by millions – Reels, Tik Tok, YouTube – with ways to measure and monetise that for instant gratification, a dopamine […]
Science is what?
Have you seen those videos that say physics or science is “amazing” as they show a remarkable thing from the natural world. I’m not anti-science at all, but there is something wrong here. ILLUSTRATION: Designer things/Shutterstock There is no such object or being called ‘physics’ or ‘science’ that invents rules, does things, or controls the […]
Faith and science
I saw a meme recently that made me smile – and wince. Apparently a well-known scientist said, “the difference between religion and science is that you don’t need faith to do science. You test everything.” PICTURE: Louis Reed/Unsplash Why did I smile? This quote is blind to the first thing you must do to be […]
Universe impersonal?
Chris Watkin, in Biblical Critical Theory, says that in the West there are two grand narratives that compete for our worldview. The first says that the ultimate reality undergirding everything is energy; impersonal energy somehow made the universe. PICTURE: Pascal van de Vendel/Unsplash The second says that it was a personal being that did it; […]