Historically Speaking: New map of Britain traces abolitionists who crossed the Atlantic to end slavery

CATARINA DEMONY, of Reuters, reports on the Missing Pieces Project…
Churches at risk: In the UK, National Churches Trust launch campaign calling for action to protect historic places of worship

ANGELA YOUNGMAN reports on efforts to conserve England’s religious heritage…
Project helps UK churches to live with bats in their belfries

Norwich, UK A pioneering survey on bats in British churches has highlighted a new approach to ways in which humans can successfully share space with wildlife. It has also revealed the importance of churches for bat survival following discovery of a rare species of bat. Britain’s churches are increasingly home to colonies of bats, roosting […]
Some 45 UK churches – including nine “at risk” – to benefit from National Churches Trust grants

A stained glass windows designed by Edward Burne-Jones in All Saints Church in Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire – the church is a recipient of a £20,000 National Churches Trust Cornerstone Grant to help fund roof repairs and replacement of rainwater goods following the theft of lead. PICTURE: The National Churches Trust/licensed under CC BY 2.0) Nine churches […]