In US city of Houston, religious leaders, artists honour George Floyd in concert

AP Religious leaders, musical guests, spoken word artists and politicians gathered for a concert in Houston, the home town of George Floyd, to commemorate the anniversary of his death. Pastors Remus E Wright and Mia K Wright welcomed the Floyd family on Sunday at The Fountain of Praise, a church that held one of his funeral services, […]
At nationwide rallies in the US, Christians stand up for Asian Americans

Chicago, US RNS At events in 14 cities across the US, an estimated 5,000 people demonstrated in support of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on Sunday after attacks on people of Asian descent in the Atlanta area this month. The National Rally for AAPI Lives and Dignity, organised by the Asian American Christian Collaborative, brought hundreds […]
Ralph D West, Houston pastor, cuts ties to Southern Baptists over critical race theory rejection

RNS A pastor pursuing a doctorate at Southwestern Theological Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, announced in an editorial Wednesday that he was withdrawing from his degree program and severing his megachurch’s affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention over a recent statement by its seminary presidents on critical race theory. The move by Rev Ralph […]
After Harvey criticism, US televangelist Joel Osteen opens church to Jews for High Holy Days

RNS Pastor Joel Osteen gives an interview at his Lakewood Church in Houston on 29th August. Osteen and his congregation have set up their church as a shelter for evacuees from the flooding by Tropical Storm Harvey. PICTURE: AP Photo/LM Otero L’Shanah Tovah, y’all. Joel and Victoria Osteen, leaders of Houston’s Lakewood Church, are offering […]
Postcards: Catholic faith moves Houston’s ‘Mattress Mack’ to shelter Hurricane Harvey victims

BOBBY ROSS, Jr, of Religion News Service, reports on how Houston’s ‘Mattress Mack’ was motivated by his faith to help those impacted by Hurricane Harvey…
Postcards: Car-care ministries a growing niche in midsize US cities

MADELEINE BUCKLEY reports on how churches in the US are lending a hand when it comes to car repairs…
Doug Stringer: Making himself “available” to God

DAVID ADAMS speaks to Doug Stringer, the founder of a US-based ministry with a global reach…