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Demolition near Delhi feared leaving 100,000 Indian villagers homeless

India New Delhi daily wage workers and homeless

New Delhi, India Thomson Reuters Foundation Indian authorities began demolishing hundreds of homes in a village on the outskirts of New Delhi on Wednesday, in a move that housing activists said could leave 100,000 people homeless. India’s top court last month ordered the removal of “encroachers including by forcible eviction” from Khori village, which is […]

Women and girls bear brunt of Africa “transport poverty”

Senegal Dakar transport

Johannesburg, South Africa Thomson Reuters Foundation Long queues in the rain, daily four-hour trips in a public taxi, the constant threat of road accidents, and nearly having to use a pen as a knife to fight off an aggressive male passenger. These are just some of the challenges Busisiwe Nongauza has faced while commuting to […]

In pandemic, new UN envoy sees chance to rethink housing

Bangkok, ThailandThomson Reuters Foundation Housing is the “front line” of the battle against the coronavirus, the new independent United Nations expert on the issue has said, calling the pandemic an opportunity for the world to rethink its approach. Balakrishnan Rajagopal took on the role this month and with travel off the agenda, has had to […]

Tackling coronavirus hotspots in city slums hindered by lack of data

Coronavirus Nepal queue

Bangkok, Thailand Thomson Reuters Foundation Containing coronavirus hotspots in sprawling city slums has been made harder by a dearth of reliable data, urban experts said on Wednesday, calling for more extensive mapping and surveys to help deal with the global health crisis. The pandemic has infected more than 3.5 million people globally, with about 250,000 […]

Afghanistan struggles to find housing for returning refugees

Afghanistan refugees

Penang, Malaysia Thomson Reuters Foundation Housing millions of refugees returning to Afghanistan is one of the biggest challenges facing the country as it attempts to meet the basic needs of its people amid the world’s longest-running war, a senior government official said. There are more than 2.6 million registered refugees in the world from Afghanistan, […]