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Pope says he’ll meet with French sex abuse commission

France Catholic bishops

Rome, Italy AP Pope Francis agreed Monday to meet with the commission that published a ground-breaking report into clergy sexual abuse in the French Catholic Church and, separately, expressed “sadness” over the sudden downfall of the Archbishop of Paris, according to French bishops who met with him. Archbishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, president of the French […]

Updated: French clergy sexually abused over 200,000 children since 1950, probe finds

France Catholic Church report1

Updated 7.30am, 6th October, 2021 Paris, France Reuters French clergy have sexually abused more than 200,000 children over the past 70 years, a major investigation released on Tuesday found, and its authors accused the Catholic Church of turning a blind eye for too long. The church had shown “deep, total and even cruel indifference for […]

Survivor tells of “tsunami” of victims ahead of report on French Catholic Church

France Olivier Savignac Parler et Revivre

Paris, France Reuters A report on sex abuse by Roman Catholic clergymen in France is set to say there has been an estimated 216,000 victims since 1950, a survivor who contributed to the dossier said ahead of its publication on Tuesday. An independent commission spent more than two-and-a-half-years investigating sexual abuse in the Catholic Church […]