Christian maturity
Biblical scholar Dallas Willard was once asked, “what is a sign of Christian maturity?” His answer, “Mature Christians are very hard to offend.” I love that, what a challenge in today’s world of offence! Standing on the rock. PICTURE: Joshua Earle/Unsplash Mature Christians are anchored in their identity in Christ, and, therefore, secure in their […]
Sight-Seeing: Developing a stubborn faith
NILS VON KALM on why the ongoing surrender of ourselves – despite our circumstances – is part of a life more firmly established in Christ…
Spiritual journey
A very good friend of mine shared with me her spiritual journey. I found it profound. PICTURE: Matt Howard/Unsplash For her first decade or so, her experience of God was around rules. Good, bad, black and white. God was like a cosmic cop! Her next decade was about emotion. Experiencing God’s presence, the highs and […]
I was a pain of a child. When I didn’t like something to eat, I’d make a huge fuss about not wanting it, about allergies, about poison, breaking the UN convention on the rights of a child if you fed it to me, etcetera, etcetera. When my parents finally forced some down my throat, and […]