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New research shows Australians’ resilience in giving money and time

Sydney, Australia With 59,000 charities across Australia and an increase in the cost of living, some might think the non-profit sector is stretched when it comes to donor giving. The opposite is true. In fact, charities generate almost $A190 billion from donations and employ 1.42 million people. GRAPHIC: Courtesy of McCrindle “The reach not-for-profits have […]

Christian radio having a major positive impact on society in Australia, says report

Graphic Christian radio1

Sydney, Australia Christian radio is having a major positive impact on Australian society, with new data showing 1.8 million people tune in each week – a third of them either holding no religious beliefs or following a religion other than Christianity. The Social Impact of Christian Radio in Australia report found Christian radio was a […]

Australians experiencing “renewed spiritual awakening” during COVID-19, research shows

Sydney, Australia Australians are experiencing a “spiritual awakening” during COVID-19, with a recent report showing they have been thinking more about God, praying more often and considering the meaning of life. At a time when there was “wavering support for religious symbolism in public life” and the church was considered to be “on the decline and […]