A “nuanced” celebration: Anabaptists commemorate 500 years with new study Bible and more

ALEJA HERTZLER-MCCAIN, of Religion News Service, reports on plans to commemorate the anniversary in North America and beyond…
Pope Francis to ask forgiveness for church’s sins ahead of historic Vatican summit

Vatican City RNS A newly released schedule for the second and final session of the Vatican Synod on Synodality underlines the Catholic Church’s plan to promote dialogue with other Christian denominations, enhance transparency and take responsibility for past mistakes. During a press conference on Monday, organisers of the synod, centred around the theme “How to […]
Global interfaith prayer service advocates for vaccine equity

RNS Faith leaders from across the globe and from numerous faith traditions gathered together on Tuesday both on Zoom and with some 100 participants in person on the National Mall in the US capital of Washington, DC, to urge President Joe Biden to share COVID-19 vaccine stockpiles and to advocate for equitable global distribution of vaccines. […]