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A Mexican American evangelical examines how Latino identity is shaped by faith

US California Riverside Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

RNS By any definition of the term, Jonathan Calvillo, a Mexican American raised in Pentecostal churches, is an evangelical Christian. But when discussing his faith, Calvillo will often simply describe himself as Protestant, or say he’s from a Pentecostal background. Other times, he’ll use the Spanish word evangelico. “Evangelical,” said Calvillo, a sociology of religion professor […]

Mexican American religious life will be preserved in UCLA archive collection

Religion Archive1

Los Angeles, US RNS The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center archives Mexican American life before, during and after the Chicano Movement. These collections give insight to Mexican American leaders in the 1940s and ’50s and those who participated in the civil rights movement that advocated for voting and political rights in the ’60s. It also […]