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Kashmir to enact India’s forest rights law 14 years on, in boost for nomads

India Jammu forest

Thomson Reuters Foundation Authorities in India’s Jammu and Kashmir will implement a law to grant land rights to forest dwelling communities 14 years after the legislation was enacted nationwide, a long-awaited move that may better protect nomadic tribes, human rights activists said. The Forest Rights Act of 2006 aimed to recognise the rights of at […]

South Asian herders fight for right to roam as pressure to settle grows

India herders

Udaipur, India Thomson Reuters Foundation South Asian pastoralists facing shrinking rangelands and a rise in conflicts over the right to roam must be allowed greater involvement in managing lands to help secure their survival, land experts said on Thursday. Herders around the world are coming under pressure from governments to settle down and stop their […]

Africa’s nomadic herders help, not harm, land and planet – UN

Thomson Reuters Foundation Nomadic herders across Africa can work in tandem with farmers and produce sustainable food without damaging the land or harming the planet, experts and pastoralists said on Saturday. Pastoralists manage their land in a way that keeps carbon in the soil instead of releasing it into the atmosphere as climate-changing emissions – […]