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An Argentine judge recognises gender abuse suffered for years by 20 nuns in a breakthrough ruling

Buenos Aires, Argentina AP An Argentine judge on Friday ruled that 20 cloistered nuns had suffered abuse for more than two decades at the hands of high-ranking clergy in the country’s conservative north, and ordered the accused archbishop and church officials to undergo psychological treatment and training in gender discrimination. The ruling in the homeland of Pope Francis cast […]

Victims ask Pope for independent inquiry into abuse by prominent priest

Rome, Italy Reuters Former nuns who said they were subjected to sexual, psychological or spiritual abuse by a famous priest urged Pope Francis on Wednesday to allow an independent investigation, saying the Catholic Church had put up “a rubber wall” blocking the truth. Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, a religious artist whose mosaics adorn about 200 […]

Pope Francis urged to offer financial support for abused nuns

Vatican City Reuters Pope Francis needs to set up a fund for nuns who quit religious life after abuse from priests and prelates, activists say, calling for greater attention on a long-neglected issue in the Catholic Church. There are more than 600,000 nuns globally, and their exploitation and abuse has come to the fore in […]

Top religious leaders in Haiti denounce kidnapping of nuns and demand government action

Port-au-Prince, Haiti AP The Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince pleaded for the release of six nuns kidnapped last week and demanded that Haiti’s government crack down on gang violence, in a strongly worded letter released Monday. The Archdiocese, along with the Haitian Conference of the Religious, said in the letter that Haitians are tired of the “reign of terror” […]