The Explainer: ‘Mary gardens’ bring Catholic piety to the garden

Librarians KAYLA HARRIS and BRIDGET RETZLOFF, in an article first published on The Conversation, look at the revival of a medieval tradition…
Huge chunk of plants, animals in US at risk of extinction – report

Reuters A leading conservation research group found that 40 per cent of animals and 34 per cent of plants in the United States are at risk of extinction, while 41 per cent of ecosystems are facing collapse. Everything from crayfish and cacti to freshwater mussels and iconic American species such as the Venus flytrap are […]
Wow!: How daredevil drones find nearly extinct plants hiding in cliffs

DAISY CHUNG, GLORIA DICKIE and SIMON SCARR, of Reuters, report on an innovative program in Hawaii to reach places too risky for humans in a search for the last surviving individuals before it’s too late…
Plant-based diets for better health and planet? Not so fast, says study

Thomson Reuters Foundation Forget all those loud calls to eat less meat and more plants for better health and a stronger planet – new research shows the world is not producing nearly enough fruit and vegetables to feed everyone. Canadian researchers compared global agricultural production with the sort of diet backed by nutritionists – and […]
GreenSight: The atad – the jujube or Christ’s thorn

ALVIN JOHNSON looks at what the plant known as the ‘atad’ or thornbush mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Judges actually is…
GreenSight: The aravah, providing shade “by the rivers of Babylon…”

ALVIN JOHNSON looks at what the Bible says about the aravah, identified as a willow…
GreenSight: The Te’ashur, an evergreen tree of blessing

GreenSight returns as ALVIN JOHNSON, in an excerpt from his ebook, ‘Biblical Flora’, looks at what the Bible says about the tree known as the te’ashur, likely to be a member of the cypress family…