“Voice of a people”: Unfazed by danger and power, Guatemalan cardinal keeps up fight for migrants and the poor

GIOVANNA DELL’ORTO, of Associated Press, reports on the work of Cardinal Álvaro Ramazzini…
India’s richest one per cent has highest concentration of wealth in decades, study shows

New Delhi, India Reuters The wealth concentrated in the richest one per cent of India’s population is at its highest in six decades and the percentage share of income exceeds that of countries including Brazil and the United States, research group the World Inequality Lab found. Since India, which won its independence in 1947 from […]
The richest one per cent own 43 per cent of global assets, Oxfam study says

London Thomson Reuters Foundation The world’s wealthiest one per cent of people own nearly 43 per cent of all global financial assets and emit as much carbon as two-thirds of the planet’s poorest, according to an Oxfam report published on Monday. Heads of state are joining chief executives, business leaders and other prominent figures this […]
Sight-Seeing: Is being rich bad for your soul? Yes, but not for the reason you expect

In an article first published on Religion News Service, CHARLES C CAMOSY says the rich don’t just end up making themselves unhappy. They want us to be unhappy too…
Open Book: Looking again at the Parable of the Pounds

NILS VON KALM puts forward the arguments for a different approach to the Parable of the Pounds found in Luke 19…
Pope in final Mass in Budapest urges Hungary to open doors

Budapest, Hungary AP Pope Francis urged Hungarians to open their doors to others on Sunday, as he wrapped up a weekend visit with a plea for Europe to welcome migrants and the poor and for an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Francis issued the appeal from the banks of the Danube as he celebrated […]
Who pays?

Which would you rather live in, a world where the poor pay for the rich, or where the rich pay for the poor? PICTURE: Alexander Grey/Unsplash For most of history the poor have paid for the rich. That is, the rich lived off the poor – servants, slaves, tax, rent. Christianity challenged that and called on the […]
Vatican synod document acknowledges calls to welcome women, LGBTQ Catholics

Vatican City RNS Launching the next phase of the Synod on Synodality, a global consultation with Catholics on the future of the church, Vatican prelates on Thursday acknowledged the clear call in the first round of reports from the faithful for inclusion of women, LGBTQ individuals and the poor. “Let us just look to each […]
Catholic priest denounces Angolan elections amid fears for the future of the poor

Sao Paulo, Brazil After 47 years ruling the country, the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (known by the Portuguese acronym MPLA) had generated so much criticism among broad segments of the Angolan society that many people – especially the young – were desperately anxious to see it defeated in the August general elections. […]
South Africa: Power cuts widen digital divide and wealth gaps

KIM HARRISBERG, of Thomson Reuters Foundation, reports on how rolling electricity blackouts mean South Africans unable to afford data and generators struggle to study or work online…