Essay: Yes/no divide of same-sex marriage debate fails to tackle bigger political questions
Sight contributor BRUCE C WEARNE argues that the yes/no debate over same-sex marriage fails to address the “deep problems” at the heart of the Australian political system…
Essay: Same-sex marriage is more complex than the Yes campaign admits
In an article first published by Australia’s ABC, PETER KURTI, research fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies, argues that legalising same-sex marriage is far more complex than just changing a few words in an Act of Parliament…
Postal vote on same-sex marriage a ‘referendum’ on free speech and Safe Schools, says Australian Christian Lobby
A voluntary postal vote on same-sex marriage in Australia will be a “referendum” on freedom of speech and the controversial “Safe Schools” program, according to the Australian Christian Lobby. The Federal Government moved this week to hold a voluntary postal vote on the issue of same-sex marriage after an effort to reopen debate on the […]